How it works

Organization Chart of the Company

The OrganizationChart module adds a new button in top right of users list to display the Organization Chart.
Go to Home > Users & Groups > Users list then click on the new button on top right, Organization Chart screen is then displayed.
In that screen, you can:

  • Filter employees by Enabled, Disabled or all (see remarque below)
  • Download Organization Chart image in .png format
  • Show/Hide MiniMap
  • Show/Hide Grid
  • Zoom by mous wheel or Ctrl + mouse wheel

Root element of the Organization Chart display the company name.
Other elements display :

  • employee photo
  • his/her first and lastname (you can click it to open his/her card)
  • his/her login
  • his/her job


You can filter employees by Enabled/Disabled filter.
But, for chart consistency, disabled employees can be displayed even if you filter by "Enabled" and vice versa.

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